銀行業務永遠不應妨礙您的業務。我們的應用程序是一種在旅途中管理您的企業財務的安全且簡單的方法 - 您只需成為企業網上銀行客戶即可使用它。😊
指紋、PIN 或密碼登錄(初始設置後)。檢查餘額、進行轉賬和支付現有的賬單收款人。授權當日結算支付、國際支付和轉賬、直接貸記、直接借記、工資和稅款支付。
Fingerprint, PIN 或 password login
Check balances, transfer funds, and pay existing billers
Authorize same-day settlement payments, international payments and transfers, direct credits, direct debits, payroll and tax payments
Create and authorize one-off payments to any domestic bank account, including most credit cards
Edit payment dates for most payment types
Change payees
View your foreign exchange (FX) rates
Search transactions on your accounts and view detailed information
Easy and secure financial management
Convenient for business travelers
Manage transactions anytime, anywhere
Requires Android 8.0 or higher for use
Data usage for BNZ app